Know About US Immigration Laws

By LawrenceGarcia

Immigration law forms the backbone of the millions of foreign workers coming to USA to work and stay. But if you are planning to undertake immigration for work or study, it is bets to seek the assistance of an attorney. There are legal professionals that work on keeping up to date on this law and helping potential and current immigrants with a variety of needs. People that are considering entering the United States (US) from another country or are already in the US need to abide by immigration law.

An immigrant according to the US is a person that wants to enter the country to live permanently. If someone wants to do this, they will need to go through an application process allowing them to enter the country temporarily. This could be to work, visit or attend school. There are various visas available and tight requirements that need to be met.

A person that is seeking a visa needs to show they do not have a criminal record, have a good reason for their visit, can care for themselves, have no US immigration law violations and does not have a communicable disease. They must also fill out required applications and forms completely without leaving anything blank.

As per the 1952 regulation, the Immigration and Nationality Law is a federal law that deals with the immigration and naturalization process. Department for Homeland Security is designated with the responsibility to of implementing and ensuring that its provisions are met by all foreign workers or students. It is in charge of regulating the issuing of visas, alien status determination and the process of naturalization. The Department of Homeland Security immigration regulation and laws are available for perusal in the Code o Federal regulations.

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There are also family based immigrants that are related to individuals with reasons for coming to the US. Visas are offered for these persons children under 21 years and the visa holder’s spouse. It could mean the person is already a US citizen and wants their family to come to the country as well or the person is just visiting for an extended time and wants their family with them. The employment based immigrants have only 140,000 spots available yearly. The Department of Labor needs proof that the person has employment and that their working in the US will not harm the job market. The remainder of spots available for entry is awarded according to a lottery. Everyone that seeks a visa and has abided by Immigration Law, adhering to the required paperwork, will be granted entry, if their name picked.

Contacting officials and employees working with US visa offices can be helpful when going through the process. If someone has an issue contacting a lawyer specializing in immigration law is helpful. They know the law and the requirements. This includes any new laws and changes that have been made. They can even assist with any cultural and language barriers. If someone is rejected then the immigration law provides an Administrative Appeals Office that will handle these issues.